Loop Constructs
- For the following
loops, which values doesi
take on inside the loop?
for i in range(2,5): print i
for (i in 1:4) print(i)
for i = [1,3;2,4] i endfor
- How many times is the code inside these while loop executed? In each case, what is the final value of j?
i = -1; j = 7;
while (j+i < 100):
j += j + (-1)**j -1
print j
i = 4; j = 1;
while(i>1) {
j = j*i; i = i-1;
fib = [1 1 1 1 1];
i = 3;
while (i <= 6)
fib (i) = fib (i-1) + fib (i-2);
- What list results from each of the expressions below?
[i*i for i in range(5) if i%2==1]
sapply(2:5, factorial)
x=1:10; (x.^2)(mod(x,2)==0)
One of the fundamental tasks we wish to simplify with programs is repeating tasks. Loop constructs allow us to do that.
and while
In a sense, for
loops are while
loops with explicit constraints on the iteration - i.e., particular start, end, and steps. That can be accomplished in while
loops as well, so why bother with for
loops at all?
In many cases, sensible constraints result in safer code, so we should expect more errors in while
loops: they must be initialized and incremented correctly, and must have a properly specified condition for exit. These three parts are generally specified on three separate lines of code, which can be accidentally deleted or modified, thereby corrupting the loop. Similar challenges apply to for
loops, but this is much less common because it is usually obvious if you are trying to iterate through an empty list, or if you are modifying the container you are iterating through in the loop. (Hint: NEVER do that.) incremented correctly, they may never exit
In general, prefer for loops unless it is impractical to use one. Generally, it is appropriate to use a while loop when the number of times you need to repeat a block of code is not known to the program. Occasionally, while loops may make code clearer than using clever tricks (programmatic or mathematical) to figure out how many times a loop needs to execute. An example is reading in a file, line by line. You could query the OS to find out how many lines are in the file and then iterate through it using a for loop, but it is usually more efficient and less complicated to use a while loop. In this particular case, Python provides a useful idiom for line in file('filename')
, so we do not have to resort to a while loop.
Map-Filter-Reduce Paradigm: Comprehensions and apply
family functions
Often in for
loops, what we do is for each element is one or more of the following:
- check if the element meets some criteria (e.g., is it greater than 0?)
- transform the element into a new value (e.g., convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius)
- combine the elements into some aggregate result (e.g., find maximum value)
These tasks are part of Map-Filter-Reduce paradigm: we map the elements to new ones, we filter (either before or after mapping) to get the subset we care about, and we reduce the remaining transformed elements from many into a single result by combining them.
In python there are functions called map
, filter
, and reduce
that do these things, although mapping and filtering can also be done with comprehensions like the one in the quiz.
Comprehensions (and their equivalent in non-Python languages) are concise ways of expressing how to convert one list of things into another. Very often, that’s all we’re doing with a loop, but loops tend to take up more space and may be slower because the interpreter can sometimes be more clever about comprehensions. In general, if you are applying an already-defined function to each element, you might prefer map
, but if you are instead doing some operation or lookup in another data structure, a comprehension may be more concise. Some common reduce operations like max
and sum
are provided as built-in functions, but reduce
will apply an arbitrary function.
R and Octave will often do element-wise operations when you apply a function or an operation to a list-like variable. This is a kind of built-in map behavior.
In R:
> c(1,2,3,4)*2
[1] 2 4 6 8
In Octave:
octave:35> cos([1 2 3 4])
ans =
0.54030 -0.41615 -0.98999 -0.65364
More generally in R, the apply
family of functions (apply
, mapply
, tapply
, sapply
) allow you to apply functions to a variety of data structures.
Using Other Code
- Python: What is the syntax to load a library?
- Python: What do you do if you want to load a library you wrote?
- R: What is the syntax to load a library?
- R: What is the syntax to run a separate R script at a particular point in your script.
- Octave: What is the syntax to load a library?
In most languages it is possible–and sometimes problematic–to have variables and/or functions that share the same name in two different places. Names sometimes get reused, particularly simple ones like i
and max
. A simple example is nested loops. We so often use i
as a loop iterator, that it can be easy to write code like this:
for i in [1,2,3]:
for i in [10,20,30]:
Although code like this will run in some languages, it is a bad practice because the intent may be misinterpreted by readers. Choose a different name for iterators in nested loops.
Loading packages may also result in name collisions, and those can be harder to avoid. In R, for example, a library called plotter
might implement a plot(...)
function. Since plot
is also the name of a base function, loading plotter
changes what happens when you invoke plot(...)
. If we still want to call the base package verison of plot()
, we need to prepend the function call with a namespace, i.e. base::plot()
. In order to avoid ambiguity for readers, it might also be a good idea to call the other function explicitly as plotter::plot()
Python handles namespaces more carefully. The simplest way of loading a library (module in Python parlance), import plotter
, preserves your namespace. To access the new plot function here, we would call plotter.plot()
. If you are not concerned with namespace collisions, you can instead use from plotter import *
, which will import all of plotter’s members, overwriting previously defined variables and functions. There is no way to access the old definitions in Python.
In very short programs, it may not be necessary to bother with explicit namespaces. As software becomes more complicated, however, it becomes increasingly likely that names will be reused. In order to maintain readability, and avoid bugs, as your project grows, consider creating your own libraries (== modules == packages) so that conceptually-related code is bundled together in its own namespace.
How we interact with an object, in real life and programming, depends on what type thing that object is. It does not make sense to divide words or to spell-check numbers, for example. In programming, we define how a variable can be interacted with and what attributes it has by defining a class. In some languages, including Python, everything is an object, which is the same as saying that everything is an instance of some class. Classes are a useful way to get away from the 1’s and 0’s that computers work with because they allow us to work with arbitrarily sophisticated abstractions: a variable can represent a traffic collision, a connection to a server, or a person. A class can also be an extension of another. An athlete object, for example, could have all of the attributes of a person, but also have a team affiliation and performance statistics.
Classes are also useful because they allow encapsulation. Within a class, attributes and functions can be either public or private. Private things can only be directly accessed or modified within the class, whereas public things are available anywhere. To illustrate this, let’s consider a polygon class in Python:
class Polygon:
'Base class for regular polygons'
def __init__(sides, side_length):
self.sides = sides
self.side_length = side_length
self.perimeter = sides*side_length
def get_sides():
return sides
def set_sides(n):
self.sides = n
self.perimeter = self.sides*self.side_length
def get_side_length():
return side_length
def set_side_length(length):
self.side_length = length
self.perimeter = self.sides*self.side_length
def get_perimeter():
return perimeter
R also supports defining classes. However, R emphasizes numerics and functional programming much more than general purpose programming, and as such its class syntax is clunkier.
IO and Visualization
Quiz: IO and Visualization
- What are the OS terminal commands for R, Python, and Octave?
- When R, Python, and Octave scripts are invoked from the command line, how are the arguments available within the scripts?
- What are the standard libraries / commands to read
files in R, Python, and Octave?- Given an ordered series of (x, y), write the code to plot them as points in R, Python, Octave.
- Repeat previous as lines.
As researchers, we should hope to test our work against empirical data, meaning we need to know how to get this data into and out of our programs for use. This data may be stored in many formats, but some of the simplest are csv
and json
In Python: csv
, json
modules In R : read.csv()
, rjson
package in Octave: csvread()
, JSONlab
When working with large amounts of data, we often cannot use GUI tools (like Rstudio or PyCharm) because these tools are focused on interaction, rather than data processing, which means they have too much overhead. They are also not supported for use on supercomputers. In these cases, we can create and test our scripts in those tools, but to actually use them on our data, we must do so from a command line interface.
There are a few ways to do that, but during the workshop we will encourage you to write your scripts so they may be run directly, which means you need to put the appropriate bash directive at the front of the script and make them executable.
Finally, when applying our ideas, we will often need to visualize results to understand our systems, and ultimately we should plan to provide visualizations to communicate our results. This is typically accomplished with plots.
In Python: matplotlib
, plotly
, ggplot
, bokeh
In R : plot()
and built-in ploting functions, ggplot2
, other specialized libraries in Octave: plot()
and associated functions